Progress thus far...

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Resolutions

Twenty ten or two thousand ten? I still haven't decided.

I often make new year's resolutions, and usually don't keep them. I still appreciate the exercise though, and this year as they will be written down in a place easy to find, I hope I will do better about keeping them!

1. Continue to lose weight. This goal is really a result of the following two goals:
2. Eat less, and eat healthier when I do. This includes reducing my portion sizes, less snacking, and eating more fruits and vegetables.
3. Be more active. I want to keep going to the gym every day, or close to it. Increase my intensity levels when appropriate, add weights, enjoy my time taking care of me!
4. Purchase less bath stuff, get my finances more in control. While I am very financially responsible, I do need to be saving more.
5. Be more social. This is a hard one. But I am going to try!

So, there's my list. I think it's very doable, and I just need to take everything one step at a time.

The Holidays are Over!

Whew, what a crazy holiday season. I just felt so busy and stressed out the entire time. I'm glad that it is finished!

I had a great time at home, but I managed to get sick, and I am still getting over it. Bleh! I hate being sick so much.

If my weigh-in from this week is to be believed, I managed to lose a little weight over the holidays! I am going to take it for what it is worth, and be happy about it.

The new year always brings new challenges, and this one will be no different. My best friend is leaving town, and I'm really sad about it. :( I know things will be okay and will work out, but I am afraid I will be lonely, and thus more likely to stay home and pity eat.

Time to think of and post the new year's resolutions!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

10 pounds!

I did it! Weighed in this morning (with a little help from the bathroom, hah), and I was down more than 10 pounds, finally!

The last two weeks have been quite a struggle, so this was a pretty big deal for me. I'm just really proud of myself, and thinking that I now have to start stashing my reward money away in an account. I am thinking $100 for every 10 pounds.

Then when I am at my goal, I will either go on an awesome vacation, or purchase a gorgeous right hand ring.


Friday, December 4, 2009


Ate too much today. Ate out twice!

Also, foot is hurting. I hope I will be okay at the gym tomorrow, maybe less on the treadmill for a while, more on the bike and elliptical.

I think tomorrow I will also do some weights.

Weight was down today, but will be up tomorrow, of that I am sure! Haha.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Survived turkey day

I made it though Thanksgiving without gaining weight! I was so happy! Considering the food is not as healthy, and the fact that I wasn't getting much exercise, it was a big victory for me.

Today I feel the need to be petty. Cruel and petty for no reason. I slightly resisted it, but did snipe slightly. I know it's not her fault, but God, she doesn't know me, so don't talk or respond to me after you started dating the guy I was interested in! UGH.

Yesterday was a bad day with cheese and sausage and crackers at work, weight went up a little bit, but I will bring it back down, I know it!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Interesting day

I played WoW again today. I was actually sick to my stomach logging in game and being online. I know it was from thinking of seeing the person who cut me to the quick so easily and effortlessly. Thankfully I didn't have to deal with that.

Now I don't think I can ever really go back though.

Tomorrow should be an interesting weigh-in. I did not do as well this weekend as I wanted, at least when it comes to eating. I did have a pretty good workout this morning though, I think due to my being upset about WoW.

Thanksgiving week (can't believe I'm going home that long!) will be hard. I know that I will come back having gained some weight, because I won't be at the gym, and there will be lots of tempting food around me. I am going to do my best though! It's all I can ever do. :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

The weekend commeth

Time of eating doom! I am going to do my best again, as this week I've pretty much been stagnant in weight. Back to where I was before last weekend (lol) but I'm still getting healthier.

I know the cardio is good for me! It was nice enough today to go for a walk outside. Man, going up that hill on the way back home is killer.

I have some cleaning to do tonight, so that should distract me a little bit. Doing the women's expo thing tomorrow; need to make sure I get to the gym beforehand.